Dog Figurines Shop - by Yorkieland

Order query

item no., title price per item
3.807 - Playing Jack Russel Terrier
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 33.62 *
31,00 €
1.277 - Sitting Pug
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 5.42 *
5,00 €
4.257 - Japan Chin Magnet
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 16.27 *
15,00 €
4.854 - Papillon / Butterfly dog circle candle holder
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 36.88 *
34,00 €
1.609 - Sitting Basset
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 3.25 *
3,00 €
3.309 - Sitting Shih Tzu puppie
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 9.76 *
9,00 €
4.861 - Yorkie Puppy Cut Note Holder
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 39.05 *
36,00 €
3.405 - Shih Tzu Angel
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 20.61 *
19,00 €
4.646 - Playing Basset with Ball - male
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 16.27 *
15,00 €
3.404 - Shih Tzu on a foot stool
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 52.06 *
48,00 €
3.649 - Standing Kuvasz
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 28.20 *
26,00 €
4.577 - Shipping costs
delivery to:
US$ 0.00 *
0,00 €
1.075 - Shih Tzu Angel
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 20.61 *
19,00 €
3.889 - Laying Pug
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 39.05 *
36,00 €
2.269 - Playing Shih Tzu
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 16.27 *
15,00 €
4.414 - Jack Russell Terrier (Walking) - Robert Harrop
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 55.32 *
51,00 €
4.746 - Lying Jack Russel Terrier
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 22.78 *
21,00 €
4.607 - Antique Yorkshire Terrier
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 10.85 *
10,00 €
1.602 - Beagle in Lladro-Style
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 3.25 *
3,00 €
4.425 - Sitting Basset
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 9.76 *
9,00 €
3.204 - Jack Russel Terrier Key chain black/white
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 9.76 *
9,00 €
4.849 - Standing Newfoundland Dog
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 29.28 *
27,00 €
2.164 - Airdale / Welsh Terrier Head (Magnet)
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 10.85 *
10,00 €
2.161 - Jack Russel Terrier - Head (Magnet)
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 10.85 *
10,00 €
3.518 - Shih tzu puppy on a chair
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 48.81 *
45,00 €
3.808 - Playing Jack Russel Terrier
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 33.62 *
31,00 €
4.734 - Sitting Basset
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 4.34 *
4,00 €
3.171 - Jack Russell Playing
delivery to: weltweit / worldwide
US$ 30.37 *
28,00 €

US$ 617.16 *
569,00 €
plus shipping costs, deliverability and availability reserved
*) Actual exchange rate at 07/26/2024: US$ 1 = 0,92198 €

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